In the middle of a hectic day at work, stress levels tend to start rising and it’s around this time that you may find yourself thinking about just getting home, running a bath and soaking in the lovely hot water with a great book to read and a glass of fine wine to sip. With this thought in your head, your mind may start wondering to more luxurious things like having your back massaged with essential oils or having your skin rubbed with a hydrating scrub


Unfortunately, most people do not have the time or the money to just take a day off work and head to the nearest spa salon for a pampering session. There are, though, some cheaper and more easily accessible alternatives to a great spa experience right there in your own home. A few great ideas for this include some of the following:


If you love body scrubs and you feel resourceful, why not make your own? Not only is it simple to do but it also helps keep your mind busy, distancing any thoughts of work which could be causing stress. The resulting scrub will aid in relaxing muscles and rejuvenating skin. There are many resources available both online and off that can help you in making these body scrubs.


A hot foot bath helps alleviate stress while at the same time stimulating circulation in your feet. Choose a bowl that can fit both your feet in and fill it ankle deep with warm water. Add some scented bath salts or if you don’t have any, a few drops of essential oil or a spoonful of ginger powder will do the trick. Immerse your feet in the bowl for about twenty minutes and once finished rub a gentle foot scrub onto your feet.


Another treatment available is by making use of lavender. This can be either added to a nice hot bath (one of the essential oils we mentioned above) or massaged into the body in the scented oil form. Lavender is a natural sedative so has the effect of calming the nervous system, helping to relieve stress at the same time.


For an added luxury to your home spa, why not indulge and purchase some Dead Sea Mud? This stuff is an absolute miracle when it comes to scrubs because of its unique and highly concentrated mineral content – with some of the minerals only found in the Dead Sea area. These minerals let the skin stay naturally moisturized while at the same time purifying it by unclogging the pores.


It’s easy to see from the above examples that having a home spa is not a difficult procedure at all and quite apart from feeling relaxed after, it also is lighter on the pocket than a visit to a real spa salon would be.